Professional Learning Inquiry for Equity and Quality

Making inquiry-informed and innovative practices a way of life

This institute is designed for teachers, principals, and support workers committed to creating equity and quality for all learners.

Participants will gain a stronger understanding of the ways in which collaborative inquiry can lead to stronger solutions to complex educational problems.

The institute will be organized around eight modules over the two days:

  1. Mindset, purpose and curiosity
  2. Understanding what is really going on for learners
  3. Tools for decision-making and identifying a common focus
  4. Important conversations about current practices
  5. Stages of adult development and building adaptive expertise
  6. Wise, strong and new ways of learning – Indigenous perspectives
  7. Building and sustaining momentum for change
  8. How street level data will help answer the question: “Are we making enough of a difference?”


The Spiral Playbook (2017) will be used as a core resource for the institute.

All resource materials will be provided to participants ten days before the start of the program.

Linda Kaser & Judy Halbert

Linda and Judy have worked intensively with school leadership groups in Canada and internationally. They are active members of the International Congress of School Effectiveness and Improvement. They are the authors of Spirals of Inquiry (2013), Leadership Mindsets: Innovation and Learning in the Transformation of Schools (2009), and 2014 Centre for Strategic Education monograph with Professor Helen Timperley: A Framework for Transforming Learning in Schools: Innovation and the Spiral of Inquiry.

They are the co-leaders of the Networks of Inquiry and Indigenous Education (NOIIE) and the Aboriginal Enhancement Schools Network in British Columbia, and serve as the Canadian representatives to the OECD international research program on Innovative Learning Environments. Linda and Judy have served as teachers, principals, district leaders and senior policy advisors to the Ministry of Education. They are both passionate about learner engagement, Indigenous understandings, developing adult and learner curiosity and creating systems of quality and equity.

Dates: Thursday, July 8 & Friday, July 9, 2021
Times: 8:30am – 12:00pm PST
Format: Online

The Institute will be conducted synchronously on Zoom.

Registration & Fees

Non-Credit Registration & Fees

    • Non-Credit Participation Fee: $200 + GST


  • Full payment is required with your online registration in order to reserve your space. We accept payment by credit card or debit card. Please note that should UBC cancel the course, a full refund will be issued.Refund Policy for Non-Credit Applications: If you would like to withdraw from a course, please submit written notice by June 3, 2021 to be eligible for a refund (less a $65 administration fee). No refund will be made for cancellations received later than June 3, 2021, unless a course is cancelled by UBC Faculty of Education.

    FAQs: Review the FAQs for Non-Credit Course Registration.

in partnership with:

EDUC This program is offered by the Faculty of Education.